More great questions regarding Paid Search plus a quick case study. In this episode we break down: Should I use broad keywords? Should I not? What should my Google Ads budget be? Is the traffic I am getting actually quality traffic...
Looking to dominate your immediate area, show up in all the top search results, and command the lion’s share of organic traffic?Then Local SEO will play a MASSIVE part in your marketing strategy.And to help you get off the ground and start...
Finding the right people to join your team is flat-out tough. Employees have a long checklist of what they are looking for-Schedule flexibility, training opportunities, leadership and advancement, competitive pay-All of this, without having even a...
Referrals are the best types of new patients out there. They trust you more, are more likely to accept treatment, less prone to haggling on price, and typically remain patients for longer.But…if I were to ask you to explain your plan for...
The finale of our Email Unleashed series is here. We walk through how one practice generated 584 referrals in 12 months, and another practice produced $204K in crown treatment in just 30 days…using good ol’ email.Listen in and take notes...
Our Email Unleashed series continues with Part II where we dive into numerous Frequently Asked Questions surrounding email marketing: How to get your emails delivered, opened, and readWhat to write? What should your email look like?Should I use...
Join us for our Email Unleashed series on how to leverage the hidden potential. Discover the ins and outs of how to utilize email to attract & qualify new patients, increase patient retention, and ramp up patient referrals. In Part 1...
As a follow up to episode #65 on Google Ads, we are doing a Q&A session about getting started with Paid Search. Tune in to find answers to these questions: What should my Google Ad budget be?Why did Google overspend my account?How often should...
In today’s world of constant noise…timing is critical. To find success in attracting new clients to your business, you need to be reaching prospects at the right time.One of the best ways to do that is through Paid Search Ads or Google Ads...
How much has Facebook & Instagram Ads changed over the past several months? Do they still work? Or are they not even worth the effort?Today, I dive into the constant evolution of FB/IG advertising. Lots of changes have occurred and...