How effective are branded products? Are all those pens, hand sanitizer bottles, and calendars really working for you? That is the question we tackle in this episode, with special guests Ali Mardanlou and Jeff Glauser of Interstate Specialties...
Imagine if you were able to finally figure out the riddle of recall in your practice?If you could solve that mystery and start inactivating 30-40% of your inactive patients…patients that you’ve already invested time and money to acquire...
When it comes to marketing your practice, there is one person who can provide invaluable insights…your office manager. (perfect timing since September is Office Manager Appreciation Month!)With one ‘foot’ on the practice...
In this episode, I’m joined by Marc Hansen, Director of Enterprise Marketing for Podium, to break down various ways to innovate your practice and serve your patients at a higher level. Specifically, we look at: How your practicing is now...
Ever been trolled by someone on your Instagram page before? Out of nowhere there’s a “patient” who lambastes you on social media for a lousy experience…even though you have no record of them coming in. Recently, Instagram...
More than ever, you need to be maximizing the assets that you already have. In this episode, you’ll uncover one of the biggest assets you have (your team members) and how to effectively engage them in your marketing efforts. Specifically...
In today’s episode, I unveil my secret sauce, what I call Scientific Marketing, and how I use it to create successful marketing campaigns. It’s the same process used by some of the most influential people in history…people...
You are going to love this episode on social media! We have two awesome guests that provide timely perspective from both the external/marketing side as well as the internal/practice side. And what’s even better…they are twins...
How do you know what to look at when you are evaluating marketing campaign performance? Which analytics really matter? In today’s episode, we dive into: How to avoid the emotional roller coaster that can come with evaluating your...
In today’s episode, we will be diving into a topic that I get really excited about because I’ve seen sooooo much success with it and that is email marketing. We discuss the WHY behind email marketingWhy I believe it’s the marketing backbone of...