If you have thought about getting started with video marketing or have decided it’s finally time, then this is the episode for you. Matthew Miller of Mad Capper Marketing joins me to reveal his video marketing secrets that are producing great...
***This is Part 2Ever struggled to get buy in from your team on a new marketing campaign?Do you come up against team members that simply don’t want to get on board? Is the perception that this is just the ‘flavor of the month’ and will be gone in a...
Ever struggled to get buy in from your team on a new marketing campaign?Do you come up against team members that simply don’t want to get on board? Is the perception that this is just the ‘flavor of the month’ and will be gone in a...
Have you noticed that no matter how much you spend on your website (or how many times you redesign it), it doesn’t really move the needle?That’s because a website (even a really modern one) isn’t enough. You need an entire system...
Do you have a true and tried system for managing your practice? Or do you feel like you are just trying to make it through the end of the month with your head still on straight and enough money in the account to cover overhead? That’s exactly...
Why does the Apple iOS14 update have Google and Facebook all up in arms? Will this completely destroy Facebook Ads as we know it? Is this the end?? In this episode, I dive into what Apple is trying to do with this new iOS14 update, why it’s...
Today I’m joined by Paul Lowry, co-founder of Dental Menu, who’s vision of an in-house membership plan is like nothing you’ve ever seen. Paul shares the many pitfalls of traditional in-house membership plans, such as: Not...